Course Details

Quality management –Customer satisfaction — Guidelines for Complaints handling in organizations

ISO 10002: 2014

How an organization handles customer complaints is crucial in order to maintain a good reputation and to keep client business. Complaint handling training teaches the process and methodology needed to create an effective customer complaint handling procedure to improve customer care, satisfaction and complaint resolution rates.


  1. Understanding the guidelines for complaint handling (ISO 10002:2014 and 10393:2013).
  2. Understanding of complaints.
  3. Procedure for complaints management.
  4. Procedure for tracking and recording complaints.
  5. Benefits of appropriately responding to complaints.
  6. The various types of customers.
  7. Effective communication skills.

These training courses are designed for those who are responsible for dealing with customer complaints. Participants may handle complaints about the telephone, face to face or in writing and it is adapted to meet the most frequently used method of complaint handling by the participants. While the training will impact directly the performance of customer-facing officers, people management is indeed a skill for everyone. 


  • Improve customer communication.
  • Increased customer loyalty.
  • Increased opportunity for product/service recovery.
  • Stronger staff-customer relationships.
  • Enhance soft skills and people management ability
  • As an indirect consequence, increased visibility by third-party advertisement/referrals

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